University of Chicago | Dr. Tian Zhong Laser Lab


8,857sf | CHICAGO IL

Dr. Tian Zhong’s research focuses on developing enabling nanophotonic and molecular technologies for building an efficient, global-scale Quantum Internet. The build out for his Quantum computation lab had to be adaptable for using high energy lasers and cryo freezers, all on a raised floor. There were extensive EMI shielding requirements for this and the next two (2) LL2 laser labs. This project also included an upgrade to the cold-water system for Lower Level 2 in the Eckhardt Center.


FLEXIBILITY: Change is constant in

life science. Creating

building systems that can

account for unknowns

and reconfigurations

while addressing specific

needs creates longevity.

Planning for flexibility in the built environment goes beyond the flexible services infrastructure. Flexibility is driven by adapting the building to the evolving needs of the lab users.


University of Chicago | Dr. Jiwoong Park Lab


University of Chicago | Eckhardt Research Center PSD Labs